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Preparing for Legal Action Starts With You

If you are ready to hire an attorney or are just in the beginning stages of pondering legal action, there are many actions you can take to best protect your rights and interests in case of future conflict and dispute. Whether you ultimately seek legal counsel or not, it is always best to gather as much information as possible to support your position. Even prior to securing an attorney, the more prepared you are and more information you have, the better legal counsel will be able to help and advocate for you. Read on for more valuable tips about how to best protect and safeguard your position.

Document Everything.

Having tangible proof to support your side of the story is key, even if no such dispute arises. From bank receipts to copies of purchase agreements, make sure you ask for and receive a copy of any and all transactions involving money or agreed upon details, or other written communication that may be useful. In addition, for issues that may involve family, have documentation indicating where you stand on your position and supporting the decisions you would like to make.

Provide Sufficient and Honest Information for a Lawyer to Assist You.

The more information you can provide, the more seriously your case may be examined by an attorney because a greater depth of data can give rise to more legal claims, indicating the level of severity to the lawyer. A simple phrase requesting assistance is not enough to determine what kind of help you need or whether you have a case to pursue. Once you are ready to hire an attorney, provide the lawyer with enough basic information to be able to determine what legal claims you may be entitled to, or what legal remedies you may be seeking. Finally, if you have copies of the documents needed to support your claim, be sure to bring them with you or send to an attorney prior to a consultation so the lawyer is better prepared to assist you.

Be on Time for Appointments and Court Dates.

Be your own greatest advocate simply by showing up and taking your own matter seriously. Show up on time for appointments with your lawyer and the court, or other scheduled legal proceedings. The lawyer must act appropriately and zealously on your behalf, but when the client is likewise as invested in his or her own case, it signals a greater level of importance to other parties involved.

Create an Environment to Minimize Distraction and Maximize Attention.

This is especially true during this new era of virtual communication. While dialing in online to a meeting may be more convenient and time saving, it is still urgent to treat legal appointments as if it were in person. During legal appointments or court hearings, put yourself in an environment where you can pay most attention to the matter at hand. Have all your relevant or necessary documents at your fingertips for your reference, and be prepared to ask and answer questions so you can gain a full understanding. Create a quiet space free from multitasking so you can make the most out of your time. Again, if you present that your issue matters to you, it will reflect and likewise matter to others.


Build your case before there is a case. From a contract dispute to a family squabble that leads to disinheritance, make sure your actions and intentions are documented and preserved. Follow up with your intentions by engaging in further action that supports your desired outcomes. Finally, always show up for yourself by showing up for every scheduled appointment or hearing, and creating a space to best maximize your attention and understanding of your legal matter.

  • This information is for general educational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice.
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